6291781561 / 8092312281


FEB 2020

Awarded Gold Medal in the Fellowship Exam of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

FEB 2017

Awarded second prize for paper presentation (IAGES 2017)

FEB 2017

Awarded second prize for video presentation (IAGES 2017)

AUG 2016

Awarded first prize for presentation at the postgraduate teaching program (SCOPE New Delhi)

DEC 2015

First prize for paper presentation at Bengal Cancer Summit

JAN 2013

PH207X offered by HarvardX:edX. A course in Biostatistics and epidemiology: Scored 96%


Narotam Shekhsaria Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence

2009 & 2010

JRD Tata Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Social Service and Volunteer work

Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières
Medical Doctor, Staff Health Supervisor, Medical Liasioning Officer COVID-19 Intervention

Volunteered during the ongoing pandemic with Doctors Without Borders. The aim of the project was to decongest government hospital by treating moderate and severe Covid patients at a temporary 100-bed IPD set up in a stadium in Patna. I assumed the position of Medical Liasioning Officer where I worked to ensure smooth referrals to and from the facility, facilitation of research project between DWBI and AIIMS Patna, facilitation of psychological self-care and first aid training for various government medical colleges in Patna, and exploration of the state for periodic assessment of need.

The Rotaract Club of Chiron (An intercollegiate endeavor by medical and engineering colleges of Mumbai.)


The Red Ribbon Club of LTMMC & LTMGH
Co-founder and an active member


Medical School Journal: Rhapsody
Editor and contributor


Community Service Director


Medical School
Class representative


Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Arogya Abhiyan camps
Volunteered in about 30 such camps to provide free medical treatments in the slums of Mumbai by organizing free clinics and distributing free drugs.


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